We will update this page as soon as the Civil Service Commission (CSC) releases the result of the Career Service Exam otherwise known as the Civil Service Exam. The CSE-PPT March 15, 2020 is the first of the two exams that will be administered by the Civil Service Commission. It is expected that the result of the Civil Service Exam Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) will be released 60 days after the exam.
Below you’ll find the full list of exam passers. We have also sorted the exam results per region. Click the region that you wish to check.
List of Passers: Professional Level
NCR | CAR | CARAGA | ARMM | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4 | Region 5 | Region 6 | Region 7 | Region 8 | Region 9 | Region 10 | Region 11 | Region 12)
List of Passers: Subprofessional Level
NCR | CAR | CARAGA | ARMM | Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | Region 4 | Region 5 | Region 6 | Region 7 | Region 8 | Region 9 | Region 10 | Region 11 | Region 12)
If you’re looking for the list of top passers, we have created a separate page for that. Check the link below.
LIST: Top Passers | CSE-PPT March 15, 2020
The CSC’s release of results may be earlier than expected so don’t forget to check this page from time to time.