Agricultural Economics and Marketing – Agriculturist Exam Reviewer (Set 4)

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    Advantages are felt when there is an occurrence of economic growth, except:

    • Higher standard of living
    • Fiscal dividend
    • Growth and business confidence
    • Inflation risk
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    The______of the economy refers to the manner in which the elements or units of the system are related to one another and the whole.

    • Structure
    • Productive capacity
    • Development
    • Growth
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    One of the characteristic of a developing economy the income is ____distributed.

    • less inequitably
    • more inequitably
    • equitably
    • none of the choices
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    By how much percentage agriculture and fisheries contributes to the GDP of the economy based on the BAS 2011 data.

    • 17 percent
    • 20 percent
    • 19 percent
    • 25 percent
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    Republic Act _____is known as the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010.

    • 8435
    • 8550
    • 10068
    • 10150
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    Agriculture is the key to these economic measires except:

    • Poverty alleviation
    • Progress
    • Profit
    • Food security
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    It refers to a sustained increase in the general price level in an economy.

    • Flux
    • Inflation
    • Interest
    • Coordinate
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    Economic growth is measured by the annual percentage change in ____GDP.

    • Nominal
    • Real
    • Proportional
    • Money
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    Economic growth has the formula.

    • GDP1- GDP2/ GNP1
    • GDP1- GNP1/ GDP2
    • GDP2 – GDP1/ GDP1
    • GNP2- GDP1/ GDP2
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    Drivers for economic growth is the accumulation of physical and ___capital.

    • Human
    • Investment
    • Educational
    • Political
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    A way of farming that combines agriculture and business and usually involves large amounts of land, animals, and expensive technology.

    • Agricultural Marketing
    • Agricultural Entrepreneurship
    • Agribusiness
    • Large Scale Farm Business
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    Buyers who intend to directly consume a product or service is constitute of?

    • Reseller market
    • Consumer market
    • Industrial market
    • Government market
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    It consists of market participants or intermediaries who directly responsible for making farmers’ product available to the users at the right place, time, and form.

    • Producers subsystem
    • Channel subsystem
    • Flow subsystem
    • Functional subsystem
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    The set of all actual and potential buyers of good and services

    • Middlemen
    • Producers
    • Market
    • Trading center
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    It is defined partly as an art, science and also a business with all parts interacting in the cultivation of crops and raising of livestock and fish either for direct consumption or for sale.

    • Environmental Science
    • Agriculture
    • Agribusiness
    • Aquaculture
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    It is defined as strategy of improving the soil’s natural capability to nurture plant life through constant recycling of nutrients and maintenance of soil fertility, moisture and microbial condition.

    • Organic Farming
    • Sustainable Development
    • Sustainable Agriculture
    • Soil Nutrition
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    Essential ingredient for economic growth, except:

    • Technology
    • Capital formation
    • Psychological development
    • Human resources
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    It is a system of a crop or grain production wherein maximum inputs are applied to a given area in order to produce maximum output.

    • Extensive agriculture
    • Intensive agriculture
    • International agriculture
    • External agriculture
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    It refers to the factors that derived the average cost curve downward as the firms operation expands:

    • Comparative advantage
    • Economies of scale
    • Marginal cost
    • Opportunity cost
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    Economic development means:

    • Increase in output
    • Changes in economic structure
    • All of the choices
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    When there is economic development, the % in agriculture shares ____relative to other sector.

    • Increase
    • Decrease
    • Constant
    • None of the choices
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    Republic Act 6657 of 1998 is the legal base for the implementation of CARP is known as:

    • Agrarian Reform
    • Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law
    • Agriculture Act
    • None of the choices
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    Vicious cycle of poverty is characterized by:

    • Low of income and savings
    • Low of production and consumption
    • All of the choices
    • None of the choices
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    Economic development is shaped not only by economic factors but also:

    • Environment factors
    • Social factors
    • Cultural conditions
    • All of the choices
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    Which of the following does not support and complement our definition of a market?

    • a place where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and services
    • buyers and sellers may use telephone, mails and other communication facilities to transact
    • a market has three elements: buyers, sellers and consumers
    • in order for a market transaction to be completed both buyer and seller must agree at a particular price
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    Which of the following are activities or functions that include finding buyers, buying, selling and risk taking?

    • transactional functions
    • logistical functions
    • facilitating function
    • none of the choices
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    Which of the following approaches to agricultural marketing gives primary emphasis to human element?

    • commodity approach
    • functional approach
    • market structure, conduct and performance approach
    • institutional approach
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    What represents the point at which price determination enters into the study of marketing?

    • exchange function
    • facilitating function
    • physical function
    • market and intelligence function
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    This study covers the characteristic of the product, market demand and supply situation at domestic and international levels, the behavior of consumers in relation to a specific product and prices at the farm, wholesale and retail level:

    • functional approach
    • commodity approach
    • institutional approach
    • market structure, conduct and performance approach
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    Which of the following refers to making the right products available at the right place at the right time?

    • promotion
    • advertisement
    • distribution
    • pricing
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    Which of the following function is primarily concerned with making goods available at the proper place?

    • storage function
    • transportation function
    • processing function
    • standardization
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    What marketing function is responsible for the job of collecting, interpreting and disseminating the large variety of data necessary to the smooth operation in the marketing process?

    • Financing
    • Standardization
    • Market intelligence
    • Risk-bearing
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    Those individuals or business concerns that specialize in performing the various marketing functions involved in the purchase and sale of goods as they moved from producers to consumers.

    • Middlemen
    • Processors
    • Framers
    • Consumers
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    They are considered the “actors” in the system who perform vital functions but sometimes they gate the ire of the producers, consumers and the government:

    • Producer subsystem
    • Environment subsystem
    • Channel subsystem
    • Functional subsystem
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    This function involves in solving the problems of when, what and where in marketing:

    • Exchange function
    • Physical function
    • Facilitating function
    • Marketing function
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    Which of the following terms best applies to a single seller market?

    • monopsony
    • monopoly
    • oligopoly
    • oligopsony
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    Which of the following forces in marketing determines the market price of agricultural products?

    • Law of comparative advantage
    • Forces of demand
    • Forces of supply
    • Law of supply and demand
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    Which of the following items is a technique of forecasting price of a product?

    • Time series analysis
    • Statistical analysis
    • Trial and error
    • None of these
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    Firm A produces Product X with a total cost of production of P15/unit. The said firm desires to have a profit of P 8/unit. How much is the mark up price of the product?

    • P 20
    • P 23
    • P 7
    • P 25
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    Which of the following terms is defined as the personal and impersonal process of assisting a prospective customer to buy a commodity?

    • Advertisement
    • Distribution
    • Promotion
    • None of these
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    It is the oral presentation of the product wherein the marketer sometimes goes from house to house to influence prospective customers to buy his products:

    • Advertising
    • Publicity
    • Sales promotion
    • Personal selling
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    What term best applies to activities concerned with the physical supply of the products including transportation, storage and physical distribution?

    • Logistical
    • Transactional
    • Facilitating
    • Financial
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    If a retailer purchased tomatoes from a wholesaler at P 15 per kilogram and sold them to household consumer at P 20 per kilogram, the percentage mark up could be:

    • 75 %
    • 133 %
    • 33 %
    • 25 %
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    It refers to all services, activities or functions involved in moving the farm products from the point of production to the point of consumption:

    • Distribution
    • Marketing
    • Transportation
    • Trading
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    Which of the following is not a component (sub-system) of marketing system:

    • consumer
    • producer
    • market channel
    • none of the these
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    The behavior pattern of a firm in the industry:

    • market conduct
    • market structure
    • marketing performance
    • marketing charges
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    A component of the marketing margin that refers to the returns to the various factors of production used in providing the processing and marketing services rendered between the farmers and consumers:

    • Marketing cost
    • Net return
    • Processing cost
    • Marketing charges
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    • GDP+Net factor income from abroad
    • GNP+Net factor income from abroad
    • GDP+Net factor income from country
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    • Wages-Rent-Interest-Profit
    • Wages+Rent+Interest-Profit
    • Wages+Rent-Interest/Profit
    • Wages+Rent+Interest+Profit
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    An additional or incremental unit of something.

    • Equity
    • Economic growth
    • Marginality
    • Opportunity cost

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