Agricultural Extension and Communication – LEA Reviewer (Set 4)

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    These are usually held to introduce and discuss new ideas or practices, to obtain the opinions of a community, or gain the support of the people on local problems and extensions programs.

    • informal group discussion
    • meetings
    • panel discussion
    • role playing
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    A moderated meeting in which a limited number of experts or specialists representing different fields of discipline give short presentations on the same subject.

    • informal group discussion
    • symposium
    • panel discussion
    • general meetings
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    This is a verbal presentation by a single speaker to a group of listeners. It is used to present technical information, or develop background and appreciation of and to integrate ideas.

    • method demonstration
    • field day
    • lecture
    • informal group discussion
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    This extension method usually consist a small group where farmer-neighbors can get together in a certain place and time to get acquainted with each other, to change farming information and ideas to share common problems in order to help each other.

    • informal group discussion
    • symposium
    • panel discussion
    • role playing
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    This is a dramatization in which an open ended scenario is described and participants area assigned roles to act out the situation or problem.

    • symposium
    • panel discussion
    • informal group discussion
    • role playing
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    This is a short series of lecture, usually two to five speakers, each with a different viewpoint.

    • illustrated lecture
    • panel discussion
    • symposium
    • informal group discussion
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    This involves meeting individually with the farmer at the farm or home to give the extension worker an opportunity to work out practical solutions to specific problems.

    • Official calls
    • Farm and home visit
    • informal contact
    • Model farmer
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    This method is concerned with personal visits made by the extension clientele to the extension office to seek information or assistance.

    • Telephone call
    • Personal letter
    • Informal contact
    • Office call
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    These are unstructured and/or planned meetings with clientele which can take place on the street, in the market place, or at local celebrations.

    • Informal contacts
    • Personal letter
    • Office calls
    • Farm and Home visit
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    This method involves the identification of a farmer whose agricultural practices and personal attitudes are superior that his operation can serve as a model for others to follow.

    • Farm caller
    • Paraprofessional
    • Innovator
    • Model farmer
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    An extension approach which promotes the production of a certain crop by emphasizing the available product factors. This sometimes called multi-purpose or integrated approach.

    • area approach
    • farming system approach
    • commodity approach
    • participatory extension approach
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    In this extension approach, efforts are made to have a whole village /community grow just one variety of crops that is best adapted to locality.

    • area approach
    • single-purpose approach
    • commodity approach
    • training visit approach
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    This approach has been devised in order to bring about agricultural development through the involvements of responsible farmers. I.e. utilizing farmer-leader whom the Agricultural Technologists have selected best on their knowledge and skills on new farming techniques and are willing to assist their neighboring peer through regular visits.

    • Farmer field school
    • participatory development
    • training and visit approach
    • farming system approach
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    Through this approach, it has been the researcher’s task to identify, analyze and solve farmer’s technical problems. The results have been translated as messages to farmers via the extension worker, who serves as the link between the researchers and farmers.

    • participatory technology development
    • transfer of technology approach
    • area approach
    • farmer field school
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    This is essentially a process of purposeful and creative interaction between the villagers and the outside facilitators, the main aim of is enhancing the local capacity to analyze on-going processes and to develop relevant and feasible technological innovations suited to the local CONDITION.

    • Participatory technology
    • farmer field school
    • transfer of technology approach
    • training and visit approach
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    In this approach, farmers are involved in the whole process of decision making, from data collection and analysis, identification of problems, constraints and opportunities, preparation of improvement plans to implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

    • participatory technology and development
    • Participatory extension approach
    • farming system approach
    • farmer field school
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    This refers to the experimental learning approach where the farmer’s field is the primary resource in carrying out extension training on integrated pest management throughout the entire growing season of the crop.

    • training and visit approach
    • farming system approach
    • farmer field school
    • participatory extension approach
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    Adoption of an innovation means to use it.

    • fully
    • impartially
    • legally
    • partially
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    Communication barriers are so-called because they;

    • impede
    • accelerate
    • hasten
    • facilitate
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    To communicate an innovation means by any of the following activities except

    • creating
    • talking
    • sharing
    • joking
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    Extension is teaching

    • middlemen
    • professionals
    • consultants
    • community people
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    Extension of agriculture information is strictly restricted that it must be:

    • shared
    • searched
    • stored
    • forgotten
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    An extension worker is a rolled-into-one being such as the following except:

    • teacher
    • insulter
    • adviser
    • planner
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    Process through which an individual passes from the first knowledge about an innovation until he confirms its use is called

    • planning
    • evaluation
    • implementation
    • innovation-decision
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    The element of the communication process which generates the development-oriented technology is:

    • source
    • receiver
    • message
    • channel
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    Another element of the process which refers to the perceived target-beneficiary is

    • source
    • receiver
    • channel
    • message
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    Possible consequence/outcome of the communication process is called:

    • source
    • receiver
    • message
    • effects
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    The degree similarity between two communications is technically known as:

    • conformity
    • uniformity
    • heterophily
    • homophily
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    The state of an individual or a system in which excessive communication inputs can no longer be processed thus reading to breakdown is called:

    • information overload
    • technological gap
    • disinformation overloads
    • technical error
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    To established an information-exchange relationship a change agent must prove his credibility in terms of the following except:

    • competence
    • empathy
    • trustworthiness
    • dishonesty
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    In arriving at a diagnostic conclusion a change agent must view the problematic situation from

    • his own perspective
    • agency’s perspective
    • clients perspective
    • community perspective
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    The change agent’s main goal is to develop self-renewing behavior on:

    • himself
    • agency system
    • client system
    • others
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    Among the socio-economic filters of communication include the following except:

    • availability of financial institution
    • land tenure arrangement
    • economic motivation in farming
    • agricultural commodity being engaged in
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    This function of university/college explores and discovers new knowledge and skills, to make teaching more effective and useful.

    • instruction
    • extension
    • research
    • mass media
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    This function provides pre-serve and in-service training, backstopping of subject matter specialist and releases farm, home and fishery information:

    • instruction
    • extension
    • research
    • AFMA
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    This law decentralizes the authority to manage and supervise the country’s extension service to the provincial, municipal and village levels.

    • RA 7610
    • RA 7601
    • RA 7160
    • RA 7016
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    The decentralization law of extension is embodied in a code known as:

    • Local Government Code of 1990
    • Local Government Code of 1993
    • Local Government Code of 1991
    • Local Government Code of 1995
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    The law that puts extension in the pivotal role to accelerate the transformation of Philippine agriculture and fisheries from a resource-based to a technology-based industry.

    • RA 8435
    • RA 8534
    • RA 8345
    • RA 8543
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    The Agriculture and FisheryModernization act prescribes the:

    • one crop one system
    • one program one system
    • One system one program
    • one system one crop
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    The state universities and colleges are mandated to improve the LGU extension service.

    • ability
    • integrity
    • honesty
    • capability
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    The research, instruction and extension functions of a University/college are:

    • not related
    • independent
    • complementary
    • relevant
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    The mutual stimulation of research, teaching and extension, is essential to the best progress of:

    • cooperatives
    • NGO
    • Colleges/Universities of Agriculture
    • institutions
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    Dole and Del Monte are examples of sources of information/technology categorized under:

    • International Agricultural Research Center
    • Research Institute of Dept. of Agriculture
    • Farm magazine
    • Private Firm/industry
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    A knowledge that is unique to a given culture which is passed down from generation to generation. This is usually the source of information of farmers.

    • common knowledge
    • agricultural knowledge
    • indigenous knowledge
    • important knowledge
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    A source of information/technology which serves the farmers of a particular crop here in the country and abroad.

    • informal source
    • University agricultural Research Center
    • International Agricultural Research center
    • Agribusiness firm
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    A systematic plan adopted in presenting instructional materials to influence people to become interested in solving their problems through their own efforts.

    • experimental learning
    • No
    • extension
    • teaching method or technique
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    The purpose of extension is to change the behavior of the person. One of the components of behavior is attitude which is also termed as the:

    • cognitive domain
    • psychomotor domain
    • affective domain
    • skills practices
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    Knowledge skills and attitudes are human factors to consider in the choice of:

    • teaching learning process
    • technology
    • extension method
    • subject matter
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    Which of this statement is not correct?

    • No one single extension method is adequate in a certain given occasion.
    • No one method can be considered more effective than the others.
    • Each method has its own merits and shortcoming in certain situations.
    • Extension methods are equally effective in all situations
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    The values and standards which the extension officer and farmer have learned, their own perceptions of the “places” of the world, their positions in their own social class, are part of the:

    • attitude of the source towards the subject matter
    • socio-cultural environment
    • attitude toward receiver/source
    • subject matter to be taught


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