Crop Protection Reviewer – Agriculture Board Exam (Set 4)

  • Question of

    A corn grown in the midst of peanut field is called

    • Cash crop
    • Weed
    • Trap crop
    • Companion crop
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    The science of entomology deals with the study of a/an

    • Plant disease
    • Birds
    • Insects
    • Rats
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    This insect mouthpart is movable flap hanging down from the edge of the clypeus, and covering the mouth is called

    • Mandible
    • Labrum
    • Maxillae
    • Labium
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    These are three single –faceted organs o f an insect situated on the face and usually between the compound eyes is called

    • Vertex
    • Ocelli
    • Gena
    • Clypeus
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    The fluid that circulates through the body cavity of an insect is called

    • Arteries
    • Water
    • Veins
    • Hemolymph
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    The thorax is the body region between the head and abdomen .It is composed of following three segment, except

    • Prothorax
    • Mesothorax
    • Metathorax
    • Postthorax
  • Question of

    Insect have a two pair of wings which is attached to

    • Head
    • Thorax
    • Abdomen
    • Tympanum
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    Advantages associated with the use of pesticides are, except

    • Rapid control / convenience
    • Dramatic effect, generally very effective
    • Know the correct use of control method
    • Improve quality of life
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    Drives pest away from treated object without killing them is called

    • Defoliant
    • Repellant
    • Attractant
    • Anti feedant
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    The factors to be consider by the farmer in using a pesticide are , except

    • Knowledge / environment of the pest
    • Economics
    • Available formulation
    • Ease of application using wide variety of mechanical devices
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    This herbicide is absorbed by the plant and is ,then translocated in either xylem / phloem tissue to other parts of the plant and it is called

    • Contact herbicide
    • Systemic herbicide
    • Preemergence herbicide
    • Selective herbicide
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    Removal of crop residue, disposal of volunteer are effective against hibernating pests is called

    • Crop rotation
    • Tillage
    • Clean culture
    • Tissue culture
  • Question of

    They are pre-emergence herbicide applied to prevent weed germination and should incorporated into the soil.. These herbicide act on root tissue preventing root development in seedling plants

    • Dinitroanilines
    • Phenoxy
    • Triazine
    • Acetanilides
  • Question of

    These herbicide interfere with cell division and protein synthesis .They are applied as either preemergence or preplant applications for control of annual grasses and annual broadleaves weeds for corn and soybean production

    • Dinitroanilines
    • Phenoxy
    • Triazine
    • Acetanilides
  • Question of

    A pathogen can enter to plant body and can infect disease through it’s natural opening such as, except

    • Plant wounds
    • Stomata
    • Hydathodes
    • Lenticels
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    A common cultural practice and physical method of weed control common on farm engage in vegetable production

    • Hand weeding
    • Mulching
    • Mechanical methods
    • Water management
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    The following are the advantages of biocontrol of weeds, except

    • No chemical residues or toxic hazards
    • Host-specific / self perpetuating
    • Energy –efficient / effective in accessible areas
    • Usually neither rapid nor complete enough for cropland
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    If herbicide applied kill only one species of weed ,that herbicide is said to be

    • Selective herbicide
    • Post-emergence herbicide
    • Non-selective herbicide
    • Preemergence herbicide
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    A name given to pesticides by a recognized authority on pesticides nomenclature is called

    • Trade name
    • Generic name
    • Common name
    • Chemical name
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    A pesticide label which refers to the physical properties of the pesticides is called

    • Ingredients
    • Formulations
    • Net contents
    • Signal symbols
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    The main objectives of pest control which is based on occurrence , probabilities of frequency and intensity , distribution and potential for damage is called

    • Detection
    • Prediction
    • Prevention
    • Suppression
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    What body region does a wing of an insect attached?

    • Head
    • Thorax
    • Abdomen
    • Hind wing
  • Question of

    This insect order distinguished through the presence of two pairs of leathery or fringed wings and represented by thrips

    • Diptera
    • Isoptera
    • Hemiptera
    • Thysanoptera
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    What weeds tend to cause greater reductions in crop yields?

    • Broadleaves
    • Grasses
    • Sedges
    • None of the choices
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    The ability of a substance to retain its chemical identity and biological activity in the environment for long periods of time

    • Persistence
    • Pesticide
    • Incorporation
    • Ecological niche
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    A weed asexual vegetative part which refer to as a specialized structure that results from the swelling of the subapical portion of an underground stem

    • Bulb
    • Stolon
    • Tuber
    • Rhizomes
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    This physical method of weed control is common cultural practice in vegetable production by placing rice straw , rice hull and sawdust on seedling bed

    • Water management
    • Mechanical method
    • Handweeding
    • Mulching
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    This physical method of weed control is most effective against and sedges weeds for lowland rice production

    • Mechanical method
    • Hand weeding
    • Water management
    • Mulching
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    This physical method of weed control involves the use of hand tools such as hoes , weeding knive , sickle , cultivators and rotary weeder . This method cut off the weeds from their root system

    • Mulching
    • Water management
    • Mechanical method
    • Hand weeding
  • Question of

    A principles involve in crop-weed competition which refers to the particular density of the weed above which significant yield reductions will commence

    • Competitive exclusion principles
    • Critical threshold levels
    • Economic threshold
    • Weed species , density and duration of competition
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    The deleterious effect of one plants on another plants is called

    • Inoculation
    • Competition
    • Interference
    • Interspecific
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    The complete elimination of all live plants , perennating parts and seeds of a weed from a given area

    • Prevention
    • Suppression
    • Control
    • Eradication
  • Question of

    A factor of weed seed production which refers to day length is called

    • Photodegradation
    • Photosynthate
    • Photoperiod
    • Phytochrome
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    The first sign of germination showing the root breaking into the weed seed is called

    • Rootstock
    • Rooting zone
    • Root elongation
    • Root hair
  • Question of

    The most effective agent of weed dispersal is

    • Wind
    • Water
    • Man and his activity
    • Animals
  • Question of

    The environmental factors affecting weed germination are, except

    • Light/moisture
    • Water management
    • Temperature / oxygen
    • Oxygen/CO2
  • Question of

    In the field , this is the first signs of weed growth

    • Root elongation
    • Shoot bud
    • Shoot emergence
    • Germination
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    A resumption of growth of a seed or of a vegetative perennating part is called

    • Growth form
    • Germination
    • Senescence
    • Imbibition
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    Refers to any structure usually single –seeded or multi-seeded together with its accessory parts separated from the mother plant that can be used in weed reproduction or perpetuation

    • Dispersal unit
    • Propagule dispersal
    • Agents of dispersal
    • Dispersal
  • Question of

    Herbicide applied after land preparation but before the crop is planted

    • Pre-emergence herbicide
    • Post-emergence herbicide
    • Pre-plant herbicide
    • Selective herbicide
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    A herbicide that kill all plants

    • Pre-plant herbicide
    • Selective herbicides
    • Non-selective herbicide
    • Contact herbicide
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    A herbicide when applied to the foliage and kill only the plant part or plant tissues that are very close to the site of application

    • Systemic herbicide
    • Contact herbicide
    • Selective herbicide
    • Non – selective herbicide
  • Question of

    A method of weed control which employs the use of two or more methods to control or manage the weed population in a harmonious manner

    • Cultural and ecological weed control
    • Biological weed control
    • Chemical weed l control
    • Integrated weed control
  • Question of

    An agents of dispersal based on the buoyancy of some weed seeds and whole weed Plant

    • Wind
    • Water
    • Explosive mechanism
    • Animals
  • Question of

    The major characteristics of weeds that distinguished it from other plants are, except:

    • Faster rate of vegetative growth
    • Earlier and efficient reproduction
    • Possession of propagule germination
    • Ability to adapt and survive adverse environmental control
  • Question of

    Based on life cycle , a weeds that completes a life cycle in less than a year or within one growing season

    • Perennials
    • Annuals
    • Creeping perennials
    • Terrestrial
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    An aquatic weeds with their roots beneath the water and leaves above the surface

    • Free-floating
    • Emerged
    • Submerged
    • Terrestrial
  • Question of

    Weeds competes with the following to the crop, except

    • Light
    • Space
    • Nutrients
    • Oxygen
  • Question of

    What insect body regions does genitalia and other appendages (cerci) are attached

    • Head
    • Thorax
    • Abdomen
    • Prothorax
  • Question of

    An insect is an arthropods with how many body regions

    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 5

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