Crop Protection Reviewer – Agriculture Board Exam (Set 5)

  • Question of

    The substance which gives a formulated product of its pesticidal properties is called

    • Adjuvant
    • Active ingredients
    • Surfactant
    • Inert ingredient
  • Question of

    On the destructive/injurious side, what insect pest inflict the destruction of structure

    • Leafhopper
    • Locust
    • Termites
    • Stemborer
  • Question of

    A type of insect mouthpart which are elongated like very needles or stylet, and these are inserted by insects into intact tissues of animal or plants to suck up their sap or juice just like in mosquito and blackfly.

    • Piercing–sucking type
    • Sponging type
    • Rasping – sucking type
    • Chewing – lapping type
  • Question of

    An insect mouthpart type adapted for gathering nectar (liquid) and for cutting solid which are found in bees, wasps and ants

    • Sponging type
    • Chewing type
    • Chewing – lapping type
    • Rasping – sucking type
  • Question of

    A part of an insect head which are elongated, segment structures of varying designs and single and are used for sensory purposes and sometimes for defense.

    • Eyes
    • Antennae
    • Mouthpart
    • Wings
  • Question of

    An elytron is thick and hard wings with uniform texture which is used to protect the hindlegs and body of what insect?

    • Beetles/weevils
    • True bugs
    • Thrips
    • Caddishflies/moth
  • Question of

    A type of mouthpart tooth-like structures called mandibles which are used for chewing , grinding , tearing or pinching off solid food and structures called maxillae for helping in putting the food into the mouth

    • Chewing – lapping
    • Siphoning type
    • Rasping-sucking type
    • Chewing type
  • Question of

    The largest part of insect body region

    • Head
    • Thorax
    • Abdomen
    • Wing
  • Question of

    A fringe type wing has hair along the margins of the central wing structure and is found in what insect?

    • True bugs
    • True flies
    • Thrips
    • Moth
  • Question of

    An insect reproduction with no fertilization occurs , hence only the female are needed such as the aphids in the tropics

    • Bisexual reproduction
    • Parthenogenesis
    • Paedogenesis
    • None of the choices
  • Question of

    A type of mouthpart with a sponge-like structure at the tip which converts solids into liquids and then latter are sucked up . This mouthpart is found in the Order Diptera – housefly

    • Piercing – sucking
    • Sponging
    • Rasping – sucking
    • Siphoning
  • Question of

    A type of insect metamorphosis with no metamorphosis is called

    • Hemimetabola
    • Ametabola
    • Paurometabola
    • Holometabola
  • Question of

    A type of insect metamorphosis with complete metamorphosis is called

    • Holometabola
    • Ametabola
    • Paurometabola
    • Hemimetabola
  • Question of

    A type of mimicry in which mimic pretend to be the guest within the nest of other insect.

    • Batesian mimicry
    • Mullerium mimicry
    • Wasmanian mimicry
    • None of the choices
  • Question of

    Praying mantid has legs designed for

    • Pollen gathering
    • Grasping
    • Digging
    • Clinging
  • Question of

    Killing rats with rodenticides is the common method of rat control . What type of rodenticides which prevent normal blood coagulant thereby causing death through slow internal bleeding

    • Anticoagulant
    • Coagulant
    • Acute poisoning
    • Chronic poisoning
  • Question of

    Available acute rodenticides in the Philippines

    • Zinc phosphate
    • Warfarin
    • Racumin
    • Coumarin/Diphacinone
  • Question of

    This fear of insect lead to nervous disorder which is known as

    • Entomophobia
    • Insectophobia
    • Dermatosis
    • Myiasis
  • Question of

    An effect of pesticides which dries up plant leaves , stems and insect is called

    • Defoliant
    • Chemosterilant
    • Desiccant
    • Anti-feedant
  • Question of

    An effect of pesticides which destroy’s pest ability to reproduce is called

    • Defoliant
    • Chemosterilant
    • Desiccant
    • Anti-feedant
  • Question of

    What type of dormancy impose and maintained by the following mechanisms ; 1. Immaturity of the embryo 2. Seed coat impermeable to water 3. Seed coats that inhibit gaseous exchange 4. Mechanical resistance of the seed coat to embryo coat 5. Growth substance imbalance within the embryo

    • Secondary dormancy
    • Enforced dormancy
    • Induced dormancy
    • Innate dormancy
  • Question of

    The main purpose of weed management is

    • Eliminate all weeds in the crop land
    • Totally remove all the weeds in the field
    • Eradicate all the weed population to the level that will not significantly reduce crop yield
    • Reduction of weeds to the levels that will not significantly reduce crop yield
  • Question of

    The most difficult to control weed is

    • Annual
    • Biennial
    • Perennial
    • Grasses
  • Question of

    Protection of crops from weeds is best attained through

    • Physical weed control method
    • Cultural and ecological weed control method
    • Chemical weed control method
    • Integrated weed management
  • Question of

    Anticoagulant available in the Philippines includes the following, except:

    • Warfarin
    • Coumarin
    • Racumen
    • Zinc phosphate
  • Question of

    A physical method of weed control done by placing organic material or plastic that provides considerable control of some weeds by reducing light available to the crops and serving as a barrier to weed emergence

    • Handweeding
    • Mulching
    • Water management
    • Mechanical
  • Question of

    This method of weed control is effectively used in transplanted lowland rice

    • Handweeding
    • Mulching
    • Water management
    • Mechanical
  • Question of

    Weeds are defined by the following, except:

    • Out of place plant
    • Wanted plant
    • Undesirable plant
    • Interferes with human activities and water navigation
  • Question of

    A science that deals with anything about out of place plant

    • Weed science
    • Crop science
    • Crop protection
    • Horticultural Science
  • Question of

    The larvae of moths and butterflies

    • Maggots
    • Grubs
    • Caterpillar
    • Wireworms
  • Question of

    An insect pupae whose appendages free but folded loosely against the body, found in beetle pupae is called

    • Obtect
    • Coarctate
    • Exarate
    • Cocoon
  • Question of

    The pupal stage of growth , because of its helpness , is generally concealed in the soil or in some other protected place or bundled upon a silken case known as what?

    • Obtect
    • Coarctate
    • Puparium
    • Cocoon
  • Question of

    This insecticide must be ingested to be effective and therefore act only on chewing insect as stomach poisons

    • Inorganic insecticides
    • Organic insecticides
    • Organo-phosphorus insecticides
    • Carbamate insecticides
  • Question of

    The larvae of click beetle is called

    • Maggots
    • Grubs
    • Caterpillar
    • Wireworms
  • Question of

    The larvae of beetle is called

    • Caterpillar
    • Maggots
    • Cutworms
    • Grubs
  • Question of

    The fly larva uses dry, hardened skin to form a pupal case known as a

    • Obtect
    • Coarctate
    • Puparium
    • Cocoon
  • Question of

    An insect pupae enclosed in a cuticular case is cased called

    • Obtect
    • Exarate
    • Coarctate
    • Puparium
  • Question of

    The chief disadvantages of inorganic insecticides are, except;

    • Toxicity limited mainly to chewing –type insects
    • Persistence in orchard soil
    • Absence of a residue tolerance on food residue
    • Development of arsenical resistance
  • Question of

    An insects body region which is made up rigid “box” of three distinct segments.

    • Head
    • Abdomen
    • Thorax
    • Tagmosis
  • Question of

    The larvae of flies is called

    • Caterpillar
    • Maggots
    • Grubs
    • Wireworm
  • Question of

    The manipulation of the morphology or physiology of a crop by selective breeding or hybridization so that the pest or pathogen cannot become established is called

    • Development of resistance
    • Genetic manipulation
    • Physiological manipulation
    • Protective manipulation
  • Question of

    A measure which reduce attack by the pathogen to varying extends. These include methods of growing plants which discourage their pathogens; which enhance their resistance, or which enable them to withstand attack more successfully . This disease control is called what?

    • Alleviation / cultural practices
    • Crop sanitation
    • Plant quarantine
    • Crop rotation
  • Question of

    Faulty mechanical sowing can damage the seed and so predispose it to attack by what?

    • Soil nematodes
    • Soil fungicides
    • Soil Fungi
    • Soil algae
  • Question of

    The first substances to be used as a fungicide , insecticide , acaricide and general fumigants?

    • Chlorine
    • Cooper
    • Mercury
    • Sulfur
  • Question of

    High concentration of what plant nutrient predispose towards disease susceptibility , the plant becoming “ soft “ and tending to remain in vegetative condition?

    • Nitrogen
    • Phosphorus
    • Potassium
    • Calcium
  • Question of

    The larvae of a mosquito is called

    • Grubs
    • Wireworm
    • Wriggler
    • Caterpillar
  • Question of

    The prevention of plant disease development by chemical means by manipulating the environment , or by eradicating the pathogen is called?

    • Immunization
    • Prophylaxis
    • Protection
    • Eradication
  • Question of

    The effect of pest activities on host physiology that is usually deleterious is called

    • Damage
    • Destruction
    • Injury
    • None of the choices
  • Question of

    This rodent pest has a cinnamon buff color with darker streak on upper part and of medium sized with an average weight of 180 grams

    • Asian rice field rat
    • Common rice field rat
    • Polynesian or bush rat
    • Norway rat
  • Question of

    House or tree sparrow is a vertebrae pest that belong to what class?

    • Aves
    • Gastropoda
    • Mammalia
    • Chordata

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