Crop Science – Agriculturist Licensure Exam Reviewer (Set 3)

  • Question of

    Strawberry fruitlet belong to a type of fruit called

    • Capsule
    • Achene
    • Drupe
    • Berry
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    The characteristics of monocots plants , includes the following, except:

    • Veins are parallel to each other
    • No cambium or has pseudocambium
    • Flower parts usually in threes
    • Has a taproots
  • Question of

    A vegetables that belong to cucurbit family are, except:

    • Squash
    • Water melon
    • Tomato
    • Cucumber
  • Question of

    Nut fruits includes the following, except:

    • Cashew
    • Grapes
    • Pili
    • Talisay
  • Question of

    A fruit wall layer which referred to as an outermost part is called

    • Exocarp
    • Mesocarp
    • Endocarp
    • None of the choices
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    Fruits and plantation crops can be established on the lands that are:

    • Level to nearly level ( 0 to 3 %)
    • Gently sloping to undulating (3 to 8%)
    • Moderately sloping ( 8 to 15 %)
    • All of the choices
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    A complex permanent tissue which conducts water and dissolved nutrients, amino acids, proteins, and remobilized sugars from roots to aerial portions of the plants is called:

    • Phloem
    • Conducive tissues
    • Parenchyma
    • Xylem
  • Question of

    Rice plant is a

    • Xerophytes plant
    • Mesophytes plant
    • Hydrophytes plant
    • None of the choices
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    Any material added either natural or manufactured added to the soil to supply one or more essential plant nutrients is called

    • Fertilizer
    • Manure
    • Urea
    • Ammonium sulfate
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    Short day plants require a dark period exceeding some critical length to flower and cannot flower under continual illumination, example is

    • Corn
    • Tobacco
    • Potato
    • Tomato
  • Question of

    Fruits borne on trees but which are enclosed by stony structure is called

    • Fruits
    • Nut fruits
    • Small fruits
    • Large fruits
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    An ornamental plants which grown in containers for their beautiful flower, usually used for display purposes is called

    • Cut foliage
    • Landscape plant
    • Turf
    • Flowering pot plant
  • Question of

    Which crops used for brewing non-alcoholic drinks

    • Coffee
    • Cacao
    • Tea
    • All of the choices
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    An aggregate fruits is derived from a flower having gynoecia on a common , example is

    • Pineapple
    • Strawberry
    • Jackfruit
    • Cashew
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    The strongest of all natural fibers . It is three times stronger than cotton and two times stronger than sisal fiber is derived from

    • Kapok
    • Buri
    • Abaca
    • Maguey
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    A plantation crop used as chocolate beverage candies, flavoring for pastries and ice cream is called

    • Cacao
    • Coffee
    • Tea
    • Vanilla
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    A fruit wall layer which referred to as a middle part is called

    • Epicarp
    • Mesocarp
    • Endocarp
    • None of the choices
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    The most important cereals grown in the Philippines are

    • Rice and Wheat
    • Corn and Wheat
    • Rice and corn
    • Rice and millet
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    Crops for industrial processing includes the following economic species, except:

    • Sugarcane
    • Tobacco
    • Castor bean
    • Soybean
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    The commercial fiber crops in the Philippines are, except

    • Pineapple
    • Jute
    • Ramie
    • Kenaf
  • Question of

    Major plantation crops for industrial processing includes the following, except:

    • Cacao
    • Coffee
    • Abaca
    • Pineapple
  • Question of

    Horticultural products are characterized as follows, except:

    • Usually utilized in living state
    • High moisture content
    • Usually in high dry matter form
    • Highly perishable crops
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    Photosynthesis requires the presence of the following, except

    • Water/ light
    • Carbon dioxide
    • Oxygen
    • Mineral elements
  • Question of

    The reverse process of photosynthesis is called

    • Evaporation
    • Respiration
    • Transpiration
    • Metabolism
  • Question of

    The end products of glycolysis are how many moles of pyruvate?

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
  • Question of

    Photosynthesis results in increased day weight due to what uptake

    • Oxygen
    • Nutrients
    • Water
    • CO2
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    Upland crops requires a well aerated soil and one that has good drainage because the root system requires the availability of what?

    • Oxygen
    • Nutrients
    • Water
    • CO2
  • Question of

    The synthesis and degradation of organic materials is known as what?

    • Anabolism
    • Catabolism
    • Metabolism
    • Respiration
  • Question of

    Plant have the ability to synthesis their necessary growth constituents from inorganic substances because they are:

    • Heterotrophic
    • Autotrophic
    • Photosynthetic
    • None of the choices
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    Plant oil used in the production of protective coatings, plastics, plasticizer, lubricant and hydraulic fluids

    • Coconut oil
    • African oil palm
    • Castor oil
    • Linseed and soybean oil
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    The physical properties of soil influence the following; except:

    • Soil water
    • Air relationship
    • Nutrient availability
    • Soil pH
  • Question of

    What macromineral deficiency occurs in lateritic red soils ( ultisols) found in the provinces of Rizal, Mt Province, Palawan, Bukidnon and Pangasinan

    • Phosphorus
    • Nitrogen
    • Potassium
    • Magnesium
  • Question of

    Dominant crops from Ilocos region down to La Union and Pangasinan

    • Peanut
    • Pineapple
    • Mango
    • Tobacco and Garlic
  • Question of

    Dominant crops in Davao and Bukidnon

    • Pineapple
    • Banana
    • Corn
    • Rice
  • Question of

    The most important element of climate in the Philippines and is the determining factors of duration of the determining factor of duration of the growing period for crops in a particular location.

    • Temperature
    • Humidity
    • Light duration
    • Rainfall
  • Question of

    Crops varieties in which specific genetic traits have been modified through the application of recommended DNA techniques are called

    • GMO
    • Transgenic varieties
    • Heterosis
    • None of the choices
  • Question of

    Advantages of transplanted crops for lowland rice , vegetables and tobacco includes the following, except:

    • Less labor requirement
    • Less wastage of valuable
    • Plants have a headstart in growth over weeds
    • Ease in weeding operations
  • Question of

    A function of its genotype , the environment and the interaction between genotype and environment is called

    • Performance
    • Development
    • Growth
    • Yield
  • Question of

    The sum of the exchangeable cations in a given weight of soil is called

    • Anion exchange capacity
    • Exchange capacity
    • Nutrient holding capacity
    • Cation exchange capacity
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    Deals with the principles and practices of managing field crops and soils is called

    • Crop science
    • Agronomy
    • Horticulture
    • Floriculture
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    The amount of solar radiation that reaches the outer limits of the atmosphere as measured on a surface held perpendicular to the sun rays is 2.0 cal/cm/min.

    • Biological windows
    • Solar constant
    • Photoperiodism
    • Solar radiation
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    The physical configuration of the soil surface which influences drainage and runoff

    • Soil structure
    • Soil depth
    • Topography
    • Soil texture
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    Certain beneficial fungi live in symbiotic association with plants , fungus / root association is called

    • Rhizobia
    • Mycorrhizae
    • Actinomycetes
    • Heterodera
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    Refers to an increase in light intensity that is not followed by a corresponding increase in the rate of photosynthesis is called

    • Light duration point
    • Leaf area duration
    • Optimum LAI
    • Critical LAI
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    A seed which bears the blue tag and they are usually the progeny of the higher seed classes that passed the minimum standards set by the certifying agency of Department of Agriculture

    • Breeder seed
    • Foundation seed
    • Registered seed
    • Certified seed
  • Question of

    A type of seed production in which the government provides the funds for the establishment of agency but does not interfere in the management

    • Official
    • Semi –official
    • Private
    • No correct answer
  • Question of

    The first step in the preparation of the seed bed is

    • Harrowing
    • Subsoiling
    • Plowing
    • Leveling
  • Question of

    Water and mineral absorption is a primary function of the what?

    • Leaves
    • Stems
    • Roots
    • Branches
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    The following conditions must be meet for grafting to be successful, except one

    • Scion and rootstock must be compatible
    • Graft union must be kept dry until the wound has healed
    • Each must be at the proper physiological stage
    • Cambial layers of scion and stock must meet
  • Question of

    An asexual reproduction method in which the shoot is removed from the desired plant and placed on another plant is called

    • Cutting
    • Grafting
    • Budding
    • Layering

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