In this page, you will find a Forestry Licensure Exam reviewer practice test which contains 50 questions related to the subject area: Forest Ecosystem.
Instruction: Choose the best answer from the choices on each question by clicking on it. Immediately after choosing an answer, it will reveal if you’re correct or wrong. At the end of the test, it will also show how many items you got right including the percentage average.
Question of
The protoplasm of a single cell is known as:
Question of
What types of soil has less than 15% silt and clay, light in texture and can hold less water and minerals but more air?
Loam Soil
Sandy soil
Clay soil
Sandy loam
Question of
Reduction of growth or stunting is a sign of nutrient deficiency. Severe stunting is principally caused by lack of potassium and iron.
All statements are false.
Statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false
Statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true
All statements are true.
Question of
A simple, dry dehiscent fruit from a compound pistil.
Question of
Its presence in the cell results in the stiff and sturdy framework and lack of motility of plants.
cell wall
Question of
Which are leaf feeding beetles? I. Pachyrychus sp. II. Metapocyrtus sp. III. Margaronia helaralis
II and III
I, II and III
I and III
I and II
Question of
Once the trees are harvested, new trees can grow in their place and continue to sequester carbon. The rate of carbon sequestration depends on the management practice adopted, the tree species involved and the geographic area covered.
All statements are true
Statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false
All statements are false
Statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true
Question of
Which are characteristics of chewing insects? I. They have two mandibles II. They have two maxillae III. They have two labrum
I, II and III
I and III
I and II
II and III
Question of
As a forester in-charge, you walked through your teak plantation. You noticed that the leaves look dry and scorched along the margins. The teak trees are deficient in
Question of
In typhoon-belt areas, extreme wind velocities reach to about 200 km/h. To reduce some of the damages, a shelterbelt is established. What are some of the desirable characteristics of species for shelterbelts? I. Wind firmness II. rapid development III. ability to coppice
I, II and III
I and III
II and III
I and II
Question of
Gugo is used extensively in the Philippines and other oriental countries for washing hair. What is the scientific name of Gugo?
Pistia sp.
Entada phaseoloides
Nymphoides indica
Ludwegia adscebdens
Question of
. is an organism with or having three or more sets of chromosomes.
Question of
Which of the following are characteristics of natural regeneration? I. Often the simplest and cheapest type of forest management because it requires small investment. II. It may result in the production of better quality trees III. It is applicable in degraded areas.
I and III
I, II and III
II and III
I and II
Question of
An area is proclaimed as protected area if it meets three criteria. It has unique ecosystems. It is a wildlife corridor. What is the other criterion?
It is a mountainous area.
It does not have indigenous peoples inside. C. It is a resource reserve. D. It contains locally endemic species
It is a resource reserve.
It contains locally endemic species.
Question of
What generally influence the quality of seeds or seedlings?
Parent’s physical appearance and environment
Parent’s physical appearance and soil nutrients
Parent’s genetic composition and/or environment
Parent’s genetic composition and soil nutrients
Question of
Altered soil microclimate is detrimental to soil organisms which require moisture for processes. Compaction of soil has not effect on microbial activity.
All statements are true.
Statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true.
All statements are false
Statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false
Question of
Which is NOT an indigenous species in the Philippines?
Kaatoan bangkal
Question of
Which of the following is the initial symptom of canker disease caused by Corticium discolor on neem trees?
branch swelling
yellowing of leaves
girdled branches
Question of
Canker disease in tree species are evidenced by which of the following: I. longitudinal bark cracks II. girdled branches III. necrosis of leaves
II and III
I and II
I, II and III
I and III
Question of
is an ecosystem that accumulates plant material overtime and store an average of 10x more carbon per nectare than any other ecosystem.
wetland reserve
forest reserve
national park
Question of
species are those that germinate and establish seedlings only in highly distributed environments.
Endangered species
Pioneer species
Keystone species
Climax species
Question of
What are the purposes of mulching with grasses or leaves? I. reduces evaporation II. prevents hardening of surface soil III. facilities root penetration.
I, II and III
I and III
I and II
II and III
Question of
Per Executive Order No. 23, it is the obligation of the State to protect the remaining forest area of the country. It is also its obligation to allow natural regeneration of residual forests and development of plantation forests.
. Statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false
All statements are true.
All statements are false.
Statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true
Question of
Which of the following are characteristics of clayey soils? I. Excellent water-holding capacity II. Excellent mineral-holding capacity III. Difficult to work
II and III
I and II
I and III
I, II and III
Question of
Imbibition is the process by which cell walls and protoplasm absorb water thus making them softer, swollen and more elastic. Photosynthesis involves the use of energy from sunlight to reduce carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrates, water and by-product from hydrogen donor.
All statements are true
All statements are false.
Statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false.
Statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true.
Question of
A parenchyma tissue in the center of a dicot stem.
Question of
Which statements are true? I. Sandy soil contains silt and clay which are less than 10% of the material by weight II. Clay soil contains at least 10% clay particles by weight
Neither I nor II
II and III
I only
II only
Question of
The required nitrogen level for a one-hectare plantation is 100kg N. If dried farm manure with an analysis of 5kg N/100kg will be used to fertilize it, how many kilos of farm manure will be applied in 1 hectare?
500 kg
20,000 kg
2000 kg
20 kg
Question of
The study of the causes, control and other features of plant diseases is known as:
plant ecology
plant systematics
plant pathology
plant physiology
Question of
Considered the most destructive insect pest of F. arborea, the larve of Ozola minole feed on: I. Leaf margn II. make holes on the leaves III. eat the whole leaf
I and II
I, II and III
II and III
I and III
Question of
Plants systematics pertains to the:
Division of related classes of plants
Study of plants distribution
Identification, classification and evolutionary relationship of plants
Silvicultural treatments
Question of
In forest tree seed certification program, seeds coming from controlled collection areas are termed as.
Certified seeds
Progeny tested seeds
Source identified seeds
Unclassified seeds
Question of
Carbon cycling is the process whereby essential nutrients are returned to the rooting zone. Nutrient cycling, on the other hand, enhances soil compaction.
All statements are true
The first statement is true, the second is false
All statements are false
The first statement is false; the second is true
Question of
Why is it NOT advisable to collect seeds from isolated individual trees?
because you don’t know their parent trees
because their seeds fall to the ground
because they are young or immature trees
because they self-pollinate.
Question of
Coconut is
Question of
Wood decay can be caused by Fomes lignosis and Ganoderma pseudoferreum. Damping off, on the other hand, is caused by Sclerotium rolfsii.
All statements are true
The first statement is true, the second is false
All statements are false
The first statement is false, the second is true
The first statement is false, the second is true
Question of
. is the science of classification and nomenclature of plants while is an art and science of studying the external form and a structure of trees.
dendrology and morphology
systematics and tree morphology
plant systematics and tree morphology
plant taxonomy and tree morphology
Question of
is a series of oxidation-reduction reactions whereby living things obtain energy through breakdown of organic materials.
Question of
In old and mature stands of natural forests, considerable part of timber volume is destroyed by.
varicose borer
gall rust
heart rot fungi
shoot moth borer
Question of
. is conducted to repair the damages resulting from unattended injuries and from the decaying parts of the tree caused by fungi and other agents.
tree surgery
Question of
The movement of substances into a cell or other structure from the outside is referred to as.
Question of
A seed or pollen-bearing structure in gymnosperms:
Question of
Which of the following characterize (s) and autothrop substance? I. An organism that synthesizes its own food II. Its secretion has an inhibitory effect on their organisms
Neither I nor II
I only
I and II
II only
Question of
What is considered as the worst pests of pines in the Philippines?
Ips calligraphus
Dioryctria rubella
pitrova cristata
Fusarium solani
Question of
Simple leaves as to their margin maybe classified as when deeply cut but the incisions do not reach more than half-way the midrib.
Question of
Which refer to strict protection zones? I. Protected areas which have high biodiversity value. II. Protected areas which are closed to all human activity except for religious use III. Protected areas which are open for all tourism activities
I & II
Question of
It refers to fruits of grasses, seed-like thin pericarp adherent to the seed.
Ray Seed
Question of
A placid condition of the cell due to deficiency of water and low turgor pressure.
Question of
The measure of the ability of a substance in the soil to transfer heat is referred to as
Soil conductivity
Heat conductivity
Specific head conductivity
Thermal conductivity
Question of
Your forester informed you that your pine plantation lacks magnesium. What is the indicator in stating that?
Presence of fox-tails
Needles turn yellowish from the tips
Cones did not develop
needles look dry