In this page, you will find a Forestry Licensure Exam reviewer practice test which contains 25 questions related to the subject area: Forest Governance and Social Forestry.
Instruction: Choose the best answer from the choices on each question by clicking on it. Immediately after choosing an answer, it will reveal if you’re correct or wrong. At the end of the test, it will also show how many items you got right including the percentage average.
Question of
are lands of public domain that have been subjected to the present system of classification and have been declared to be no longer needed for forest purposes.
Forest lands
Pasture lands
Alienable and disposable lands
Question of
Per DAO 90-54, in the zonification of the upland farms within the ISF Model Site, areas with a slope of 25-50% can be classified as livestock or orchard production areas. Areas within the farm with a slope of more than 50% can be classifies as forest crops production area
The firsts statement is false; the second is true
All statements are false
All statements are true
The firsts statement is true; the second is false
Question of
refers to the variability among forest living organism and the ecological processes of which they are part. This includes diversity in forests within species, between species and of ecosystem.
biological diversity
forest biological diversity
genetic resources
key biodiversity
Question of
The Water Code of the Philippines refers to
RA 8371
PD 1067
DAO 2000-03
RA 7076
Question of
Which of the following are aims of the National Greening Program? I. Contributes in reducing poverty of all people of the Philippines II. Implements sustainable management of natural resources III. Mitigates climate change.
I, II and III
I and II
II and III
I and III
Question of
An A-Frame is an important equipment used in establishing hedgerows on a slope. It is used to determine the direction and location of the contour lines.
The first statement is true while the second statement is false
Both statements are true.
The first statements is false while the second statements is true.
Both statements are false
Question of
It refers to movement of surface soil downhill at an imperceptible rate
gully erosion
rill erosion
earth flow
Question of
All CBFM agreements within protected areas shall be indorsed by the PAMB. The Regional Director approves the CBFM agreement.
The first statement is false ; the second statement is true
The two statements are true
Question of
The Community-Based Forest Management strategy provides for the integration of all peopleoriented forestry projects. One of the tenurial instruments that may be under the said strategy is the Forest Occupancy Management Permit.
The first statement is true while the second statement is false
Both statements are true
Both statements are false
The first statement is false while the second statement is true
Question of
It refers to the Article in the Constitution that provides, among others, the promotion of industrialization and full employment based on sound agricultural development and agrarian reform, through industries that make full and efficient use human and natural resources.
Article XI
Article XIII
Article XII
Article II
Question of
Apprehension is the initial measure taken by the DENR when probable illegal forest products are found or intercepted and are put under temporary possession and control by authorized officers. On the other hand, seizure is the official act of taking illegal forest products into government custody, pending formal administrative proceedings for its disposition.
The first statement is true while the second statement is false
The first statement is false while the second statement is true
Both statements are true
Both statements are false
Question of
. ordered in EO 263 that community-based forest management shall be the national strategy to achieve sustainable forestry and social justice.
President Ramos
President Aquino
President Estrada
President Marcos
Question of
When was the Philippine Clean Air Act enacted into law?
23 June 1999
27 June 1997
15 September 1992
21 June 1992
Question of
Who are the authorized to dispose forest products confiscated of the Government NOT exceeding P 500,000?
Regional Com on Bid and Awards
Question of
Buffer zones promote sustainability of use of wild plants and animal species by local communities. They provide extra protection against storm damage.
statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true
all statements are false
all statements are true
statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false
Question of
Which of the following is NOT an example of organic farming method?
Use of animal manure
Use of commercial fertilizer
Green Manuring
Question of
embodies rules for the administrative apprehension, seizure, confiscation and disposition of illegally possessed, cut gathered or transported forest products.
DENR AO No. 74-87
DENR AO No. 58-93
DENR MC No. 22-90
DENR AO No. 32-97
Question of
Amendments to PD 705 – Revised Forestry Code are embodied in
PD 1559
PD 1551
PD 953
PD 1552
Question of
Tenured Migrant are those who have actually and continuously occupied the area 10 years before the designation of such protected area in accordance with the NIPAS ACT. They are solely dependent on the resources for subsistence.
statement 1 is false; statement 2 is true
All statements are true.
All statements are false.
Statement 1 is true; statement 2 is false
Question of
It refers to felled trees bucked into convenient length of at least 1.5 meters, with at least 15 cm. in diameter.
Question of
Including to Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, the Philippines is divided into sixteen regions. One of these regions is CAR which stands for Cordillera Administrative Region.
The first statement is false while the second statement is true.
The first statement is true while the second statement is false
Both statements are false.
Both statements are true
Question of
Which of the following are objectives of RA 6713- an Act establishing the Code of Conduct and ethical standards? I. To uphold the time honored principle of public office. II. Granting of incentives and rewards III. Providing penalties for violations.
II and III
I and II
I and III
I, II and III
Question of
It refers to the controlled use and systematic protection of natural resources.
Question of
Which of the following lands of public domain can be used in the implementation of the National Greening Program? I. Forestlands II. Ancestral Domains III. Urban Areas
I and II
I and III
I, II and III
II and III
Question of
A recent study in the forest service reported that each year, the urban tree company removes 15tons of carbon monoxide, 84tons of sulfur dioxide, 89tons of nitrogen dioxide, 19 tons of ozone and 212tons of particulates. How much ozone will be absorb by trees in 5 years?
420 tons
95 tons
848 tons
445 tons