In this page, you will find a Forestry Licensure Exam reviewer practice test which contains 50 questions related to the subject area: Forest Production and Management.
Instruction: Choose the best answer from the choices on each question by clicking on it. Immediately after choosing an answer, it will reveal if you’re correct or wrong. At the end of the test, it will also show how many items you got right including the percentage average.
Question of
Residual inventory is one of the major phases of selective logging. Its purpose is to:
determine the residual growing stock
assess damage to the site
find out how much timber was cut
determine logging efficiency
Question of
Wilderness areas are intended for:
timber production
environmental protection
forage production
Question of
In making topographic map, the bearing of the base line is N 60° W, what is the bearing of the strip?
S 30° E
S 60° E
N 30° E
Question of
A land area drained by a stream or fixed body of water and its tributaries having a common outlet for surface runoff is called a:
watershed reserve
critical watershed
Question of
The discount rate that equates the various costs and benefits anticipated in future years
Present Net Worth
inflation rate
Internal rate of return
Payback interest
Question of
Trees less that 5 cm in diameter and at least 1.3 m in height (30 cm for pine) are classified as
Question of
The immediate impact of a ban on log exports would be:
a drop in log production
an increase in foreign exchange
an increase in log production
a decrease in wood processing
Question of
A project with a benefit-cost ratio of 1 means the total:
project cost is equal to project benefit
project cost is greater than project benefit
project cost is 1 percent more than project benefit
project cost is less than project benefit
Question of
The spacing between 100 sample plots systematically distributed in a 10,000-hectare forest would be:
1 km x 1 km
100 m x 100 m
2 km x 5 km
10 km x 10 km
Question of
A circular plot with a radius of 18 meters has an area of:
0.1 ha
1.0 ha
1.8 ha
18 ha
Question of
The silvicultural system used in the pine forests of the country is the:
seed-tree method
clear-cutting system
shelterwood method
selective logging system
Question of
The purpose of thinning is to:
provide more growing space to favored trees
provide better habitat for wildlife
prevent the spread of disease in the stand
harvest matured and over-matured trees
Question of
Land classification is a function of the:
Land Management Bureau
Bureau of Forest Development
Bureau of Soils
Bureau of Agricultural Extension
Question of
How many seedlings will Ka Pilo have to raise if he wants to plant his 4.2 ha land using 3m x 2m spacing and a 10% stock reserve for replacement in case of mortality?
Question of
Ancestral lands refer to lands of the public domain that are:
claimed by cultural communities
occupied by squatters
occupied by settlers
occupied by Mangyan tribes
Question of
A long-term privilege granted by the state to a person to occupy and possess a grazing land of the public domain is called:
forest land grazing lease
pasture permit
provision pasture permit
pasture lease
Question of
A measure of soil cover provided by vegetation or the abundance of established plants is called:
plant cover index
site quality
plant index
Question of
In dense stands, ___ are trees or brush which are characterized by stunted or abnormal growth.
wolf trees
Question of
Cutting cycle refers to the period between two major harvests in the same cutting area. What is the cutting cycle (in years) for areas falling within climatic type 3 (season not very pronounced, relatively dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year).
Question of
One of the following is not considered a climatic factor:
species diversity
relative humidity
Question of
Some timber species are endangered and as such their exploitation is restricted. Examples of such species are:
almaciga and ipil
dao and apitong
narra and ipil-ipil
kalantas and mayapis
Question of
If the small end diameter is 40 cm and the big end diameter 55 cm, what are the basal areas of small and big end diameters?
12.57 and 23.76 sq. m.
0.1257 and 0.2376 sq. m.
1257 and 2376 sq. m
Angat watershed
Question of
Land set aside for the grazing of domestic livestock by the residents of a municipality is called:
communal grazing land
domestic grazing land
pasture lands
Question of
Timber harvesting in the dipterocarp forests is regulated based on the principle of:
area control
volume control
area and volume control
log export quota
Question of
The selective logging system:
ignores non-dipterocarp species
includes non-dipterocarp species
ignores dipterocarp species
includes both dipterocarp and non-dipterocarp
Question of
The number of years required to establish and grow timber crops to a specified condition of maturity.
cutting cycle
period of adjustment
period of increment
Question of
The dipterocarp forests are:
b. uneven-aged
a mixture of even-aged and uneven-aged stands
predominantly even-aged
Question of
Forest nurseries play a vital role in reforestation. Which of the following should not be considered in the establishment of a forest nursery?
A perfectly level ground should not be preferred over slightly sloping ground
The area should be large enough for future expansion
The soil where the nursery is located should be of neutral acidity
There is adequate amount of water supply.
Question of
Removal of a strip of bark about 10-20 cm wide along the circumference of a tree with the intention of killing it without felling
Question of
Underground divide that fixes boundary of an area that contributes groundwater to each stream system
phreatic divide
stream limit
watershed divide
Question of
Timber licenses have a maximum tenure of:
5 years
15 years
10 years
25 years renewable for another 25 years
Question of
Forest charges on timber cut in forest lands:
are constantly adjusted following price trends
are adjusted every 5 years
are more or less constant
are adjusted every 10 years
Question of
It is the scientific management of forests for the continuous production of goods and services:
Forestry Biometry
Tree Morphology
Timber Management
Question of
No harvest of timber in any forest land shall be allowed unless it has been the subject of at least ____ percent inventory, or any statistically sound timber estimate, made not earlier than 5 years prior to the issuance of a license allowing such utilization (PD 705, Sec 24)
Question of
It is the process of utilizing men and material resources towards attainment of specific objectives:
Question of
The Philippines has a total land area of approximately:
35 million hectares
20 million hectares
30 million hectares
50 million hectares
Question of
The place where logs are pulled by a cable-hauling system for loading on a wheeled transportation. It is immediately adjacent to a road or railroad.
log landing
cutting area
working area
working area
Question of
A classification of trees according to size
Question of
Any manipulation in a stand that occurs between two regeneration periods. It is done to ensure the desired composition, stem quality, spacing and growth performance in a given developing stand.
enrichment planting
intermediate treatment
prescribed burning
Question of
In the Philippines, grazing in forest lands is limited to areas having a slope of:
18% below
less than 50%
50% and above
19 – 49%
Question of
Area drained by a river system supporting existing and proposed hydroelectric power and irrigation works needing immediate rehabilitation.
critical watershed
watershed reservation
drainage area
Question of
It consists of a bar which is calibrated with two arms perpendicular to the bar such that one arm is fixed at zero point while the other is movable.
diameter tape
biltmore stick
tree caliper
Question of
It is an indication of the number of trees in a stand as compared to desirable number for best growth and development.
optimal growth
stand structure
Question of
A piece of wood having dimensions of 1 inch x 12 inches x 12 inches has a volume of:
1 board foot
2 board ft.
10 board feet
5 board feet
Question of
Refers to the benefit forgone when a factor of production is withdrawn from an alternative course of action
opportunity cost
net loss
Question of
The branch of forestry which deals with altering the attitude, behavior and skills of forest occupants towards conservation:
forest policy
forestry extension
forest law enforcement
forest influences
Question of
Device which measures the quantity or rate of downward water movement through the soil, or collect such percolated water for analysis as to quality
discharge instrument
runoff meter
Question of
It is the operation of pulling logs from where they are felled and bucked to the first concentration point:
Question of
One animal unit is equivalent to:
600 kilograms
350 kilograms
455 kilograms
1,000 kilograms
Question of
It refers to shifting cultivation practices on land normally not suitable for permanent field crop cultivation.
slash and burn
swidden agriculture
all of the choices